Students interested in becoming a part of the editorial staff in future years should
1) become active with the club, and
2) contact the faculty advisor. Being on the editorial staff requires a two-semester commitment and permissions-only enrollment in CRW 3950: Cypress Dome Editorship.
- 2024-2025 Cypress Dome Editorship Application (coming soon)
- You will be asked to answer some questions and provide the email of a UCF professor who can offer a reference on your behalf.
- If the above link is being finicky, email Faculty Advisor:
Cypress Dome Society Officers
President: Damien Phillips
Vice President / Social Media Manager: Dylan Abel
Treasurer: Wendy Turner
Magazine Editorial Staff 2023-24
Editor in Chief:
Managing Editor:
Copy Chief:
Production Editor: Amanda Hails
Assistant Production Editors:
Public Relations Director: Savannah Watkins
Assistant Public Director: Dylan Abel
Creative Director:
Assistant Creative Director:
Art Director:
Assistant Art Director: Wendy Turner
Art Screeners:
Creative Nonfiction Editor:
Assistant Creative Nonfiction Editor:
Creative Nonfiction Readers:
Fiction Editors:
Assistant Fiction Editors:
Fiction Readers:
Poetry Editor:
Assistant Poetry Editors:
Poetry Readers:
Copy Editors: